Configuring Webserver inside Docker Container By using Ansible (14.2)

Lakshmi Priya Patro
3 min readJan 20, 2022


Further in ARTH — Task 10 we have to create an Ansible playbook that will retrieve the new Container IP and update the inventory. So that further Configuration of the Web server could be done inside that Container.

So let’s get started…

In this task, we have used our own pre-created docker image which is enabled with ssh. So that Ansible can use ssh protocol to log in to the new docker container and configure the webserver inside it.

In my case, we are having Controller Node having IP on which the ansible is installed.

Step-1: Check the ansible version installed on the controller node

Step-2: Initially inventory file is empty

Step-3: Configuration file of ansible

Step-4: Create an Ansible Playbook

Step-5: Create dockerip.txt file

Step-6: Create Task14.2-html file

Step-7: Now let’s run the main ansible playbook

Step-8: The inventory file was dynamically updated

Step-9: Check whether the docker service was started and enabled

Step-10: Successfully docker container was launched with name myweb

Step-11: Now we can run our docker-web.yml playbook to configure the webserver inside the container

Step-12: Now check by attaching to myweb container

Step-13: Now the webserver has been deployed on the docker container with the help of the Ansible Automation tool. So Let’s check our webpage from the browser

Finally, we had successfully retrieved the new container IP, dynamically updated the inventory, and also configure the webserver inside that docker container.

Thanks for Reading!!

